Tiffany started practicing Astanga yoga in 2005 under the direction of Tim Miller in Encinitas, California. Her first trip to India (2009) as well as outside the U.S., compelled her to explore the world outside her comfort zone and she has lived abroad ever since. Friendship, life, and love have now landed her in southern Sweden.
Tiffany has been fortunate to share the Astanga practice before MYC in South Korea, Norway, Sweden, Scotland and Taiwan. She shares her insight from her own experiences as well as what she has learned from other senior Astanga teachers and practitioners around the world. Tiffany hopes her teaching will remind others to keep the practice light and to recognize that the practice is not only limited to the confines of the mat.
Off the mat, Tiffany enjoys Mahayana Buddhism, making multiple attempts at a daily sitting meditation practice, cooking whole food, eating all the dark chocolate in the house, and watching films with her husband.
Maria was born in Jamaica, the native country of her father, and lived there until the age of eleven when the family moved to Sweden, native country of her mother. After doing science and art in school, she embarked on the journey of dance that took her via Stockholm to New York.
Years of dance and yoga have passed through the body but Astanga still remains Maria’s core practice taught by teachers such as Maria Boox, Manju Jois, Petri Räisänen, Eddie Stern and John scott. Maria has been a regular assistant of Petri Räisänen in his workshops in Europe and Asia.
After working with celebrities high and low, receiving scholarships and resisting offers to stay and teach dance and yoga in NY she moved back to Sweden. She started a regular practice of Zen meditation, and opened Underground Yoga to keep up her own practice and share the teachings given to her. Maria has been teaching also in Reykjavik, Iceland.